Saturday, July 14, 2012


 Road trip to California.  Two days sitting in the car/18 hours.

 We are in Wyoming!
Me and my grandparents went camping. We ended up going some huge caves.

 Look how big it is!
 I was up on a shelf of rocks with about 10 feet drop under neath me.  A little scary hu.

 Me shooting a be-be gun.  I also got to shoot a pistol, but i didn't get any pictures.
 an old yellow truck with a tree growing in it.

 Trout creek.

 Hiking up to Rainbow lake, a lake at the base of some cliffs.

 Discusting I know. I can't belive i swam in it.

 A buck came right next to our camp.  We also had a doe come about two yards away from us while we were outside by the campfire.
 We went to my uncle Ed's house and spoted a lizard.

 Buddy, my grandparents dog wanted to come with us.

 The white is salt!
 Our drive back home.
 The Salt Lake.


  1. THAT IT AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was guite the trip!!!!!!!!! (we should skype some time)


  2. I ment "IS" and "quite"

    don't know why I did that!


  3. Nice you also have a blog now with beautiful pictures. Gr from Holland.
